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Text File | 1993-08-16 | 27.9 KB | 577 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#189/16-Aug-93
- =====================
- This week we have information about free software that makes
- LaserWriter Pros snooze, more on mysterious Duo shutdowns,
- unfortunate news about attaching an AudioVision monitor to a
- Quadra 840AV, additional details on the Prodigy gateway, more
- on PageMaker 5.0 with a clarification of last week's mention,
- news about a possible bug with overtraining the MessagePad's
- handwriting recognition, and the start of a multi-part,
- technical look at the Newton.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- 71520.72@compuserve.com
- Makers of hard drives, tape drives, memory, and accessories.
- For APS price lists, email: aps-prices@tidbits.com <---- New!
- Copyright 1990-1993 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
- Automated info: <info@tidbits.com> Comments: <ace@tidbits.com>
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/16-Aug-93
- Empowering Your Duo II or How Dumb Can I Be?
- PageMaker 5.0, Finally
- Using the Newton MessagePad
- Reviews/16-Aug-93
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-189.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/16-Aug-93
- ------------------
- Adam is in electronic hiding for a few weeks as he finishes
- writing The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh. Although he claims
- he will read his email, please don't expect responses to anything
- but the most urgent messages. Thanks for your understanding.
- -Tonya
- **PageMaker's not alone** -- Mark H. Anbinder writes to clarify
- his comments about PageMaker's capability of dragging objects
- between document windows in TidBITS #188_. "Thanks to everyone
- who's commented that XPress has offered this feature for some
- time. As a long-time XPress user myself, I am aware of this but
- was attempting to focus on the fact that Aldus, in giving
- PageMaker the capability to handle multiple documents, had done it
- right. I never intended to suggest that no one else had done so,
- just that much of the rest of the market has not."
- **Newton's Law** -- One's affinity to Newton is directly
- proportional to how well it recognizes one's handwriting. -Ross
- Scott Rubin. [However, it is fun to consult the Newton Oracle by
- drawing squiggles in the NotePad and seeing how it interprets
- them. And then there's the Newton's unfortunate predilection for
- recognizing "call" as "kill" - a wee problem when entering to do
- items. -Adam]
- **Too much of a good thing** -- We've heard a number of complaints
- that indicate you can overtrain a MessagePad to your handwriting.
- Too much training may confuse the poor little thing, causing
- recognition to decrease after significant usage. The only solution
- that seems to make any difference is to toss your preferences and
- start over. We hope Apple will have some suggestions about this
- problem soon.
- **The Quadra 840AV** surprisingly does not come with a cable for
- Apple's new AudioVision Monitor. This in itself would be
- understandable if the monitor came with a working cable, but the
- cable doesn't plug into any of the 840's ports. Evidently, Apple
- plans to add the proper port to future 840s, but in the meantime
- you have to call Apple and order a special cable. Russ Black
- <rblack@netcon.smc.edu> posted a note about this on
- comp.sys.mac.announce and said that Apple charged him for the
- cable and that their current computerized ordering system didn't
- even know about it. Apple, you can do better!
- **Putting printers to sleep.** We've recently caught wind of a
- useful and politically correct freeware program released by
- Apple's Energy Star group. The program lets a LaserWriter Pro go
- to sleep after a specified amount of inactivity to save energy. We
- applaud Apple for creating a program that not only decreases wear
- and tear on the printer but also saves energy. So if you own a
- LaserWriter Pro that spends most of its time turned on, check it
- out and give your printer some much needed rest. It's available
- for FTP from <sumex-aim.stanford.edu> as:
- info-mac/prn/laserwriter-pro-sleep.hqx
- **Prodigy/Internet** email details are still fuzzy, but Jeff
- Needleman <needje@msen.com> said that the software for Macs to
- receive Internet email works fine, but the software for sending
- only works for DOS machines. So, Prodigy has to decide if it will
- allow one-way Internet access for Macintosh users, at least until
- a version of the software that can send Internet email appears on
- the Mac side of things. Why do we suspect this will slow the
- entire process down a good bit?
- Empowering Your Duo II or How Dumb Can I Be?
- --------------------------------------------
- by Bill Dickson -- wrd@beer.wa.com
- In TidBITS #183_, I gave a brief account of a simple solution to a
- common Duo problem - poor contact between the battery and the Duo,
- resulting in frequent shutdowns. The solution, to rehash for a
- moment, was to reach into the Duo with a small, non-metallic
- object and carefully bend the power leads up so they would make
- firmer contact. And it worked.
- For a while, anyway. One day, my Duo shut down again, and I
- cleverly thought, "Aha! The leads need a little more
- encouragement."
- Well, I learned something. I learned that it is, in fact, possible
- to bend one of the leads just far enough that, when you push the
- battery in, the lead will bend the wrong way and flatten against
- the back of the battery chamber. It is then very difficult to bend
- it back. So be warned that this little fix can fix you but good.
- Now, you might be interested in a bit more helpful info on the
- problem. Some Duos do indeed have a problem with the battery
- connections. Apple knows about it, but hasn't deigned to tell the
- world. Apparently the foam pad under the leads isn't quite thick
- enough in some cases, and doesn't provide enough resistance.
- However, if you call Apple at 800/SOS-APPL and describe your
- problem, they will send you a prepaid shipping box and return your
- machine in several working days, (in my case anyway) complete with
- a new logic board and new rubber bumpers for the sides of your
- machine. The woman I spoke to was extremely friendly and helpful,
- and my machine arrived back a day earlier than expected.
- Also, you may be suffering from this shutdown problem even if
- there isn't anything wrong with your power leads. Apple sanctions
- this fix (they just forgot to put it in the manual), so try it
- without fear (if you're still nervous, talk it over with Apple
- first):
- 1) Take your battery out.
- 2) Note that the battery shutter appears to be all the way in the
- "open" position.
- 3) Ignore this fact, and slide it another quarter-inch in the
- "open" direction. You will have to pull hard the first few times,
- but it loosens up later. You'll hear a loud snap, and then the
- shutter will stop again.
- 4) Resting it on a table or some such object, tilt the Duo
- carefully back onto its back edge.
- 5) Carefully slide the battery most of the way into the
- compartment, then _drop_ it the last half-inch. Really. That's how
- Apple's repair folks do it.
- When finished, the seam between the battery and the Duo's case
- should be indistinguishable from the seam on the other side of the
- mouse button.
- If you don't follow these steps, the battery does not seat
- correctly, and you get - surprise! - poor contact with the leads.
- I apologize for the bad advice last time and hope nobody suffered
- from it. Give the battery trick a try and see what happens. If you
- still have problems, call Apple and have your machine fixed,
- quickly and for free. I did, and I didn't turn to dust without my
- machine, much to my surprise.
- PageMaker 5.0, Finally
- ----------------------
- by Thomas A. Overfield -- beetlebug@aol.com
- Thankfully for Aldus and the many users of its PageMaker page
- layout software, one of the most eagerly awaited upgrades of the
- year is here. PageMaker was once the premiere package for creating
- publications, but years of stagnation on the feature front and
- cut-throat competition from arch-rival Quark XPress has steadily
- eroded Aldus's user base. With Quark providing users with advanced
- typographic control, built-in color separation, multiple open
- windows, floating control palettes, and an extensible program
- architecture through Quark Xtensions, Aldus had a lot of catching
- up to do. The new version keeps the old PageMaker interface
- (arguably the best in the business) and adds most of Quark
- XPress's features plus a few new ones for good measure.
- First Impressions
- You won't find any surprises when you first boot PageMaker 5.0.
- Other than a spiffy new picture of Aldus Manutius on startup, it
- looks much like the previous incarnation. You may notice that the
- toolbox has a new tool that looks much like the rotate tool in
- Quark XPress. In fact, it is a rotate tool and you can now freely
- rotate text or graphics to any angle with text remaining editable.
- Previous versions limited you to 90 degree rotational increments
- and text that you couldn't edit without using the Story Editor.
- More surprises await in the menus. Under the Window menu you'll
- see Tile and Cascade. Yes, after all these years PageMaker can
- finally open more than one document, supposedly as many as memory
- allows [although we've heard rumors that PageMaker has some memory
- leaks as a result of this feature. -Adam]. And just like XPress,
- you can drag elements from window to window without using copy and
- paste.
- Other menu options include the traditional style, color, and
- control palettes plus a new one called Library. If you're familiar
- with XPress then you will have no problem using PageMaker's
- libraries, because they function identically to XPress's. You can
- store often-used graphic elements in a library for future use. You
- can group libraries by subject or job, or call them up and have
- their contents conveniently available. To use a library object,
- all you do is drag it onto the page. Yet, unlike XPress, you
- cannot drag objects into a library, you must use a select and
- paste method. PageMaker's libraries improve upon XPress's in two
- important regards: they have a search function and support Fetch,
- Aldus's multimedia cataloging program.
- Palette Changes
- PageMaker's old palettes have improved. Most changed is the
- Control palette, which in the past did little more than let you
- move elements around the page. XPress's similar Measurements
- palette was capable of specifications like font selection,
- leading, kerning, tracking, justification, skew, and rotational
- angle in addition to positioning. Now Aldus has one-upped Quark
- with a superb Control palette that does all of what XPress's does
- and somehow includes the kitchen sink as well. For textural work
- the Control palette adds the functions of baseline shift and
- horizontal scaling to XPress's standards. One click on a button
- with the pilcrow symbol and the palette changes to one centered on
- style functions. Here you can choose a text style; first line,
- left, and right indent, and paragraph spacing. In graphics mode
- this palette matches XPress with mirroring, cropping, skewing,
- positioning, and rotating.
- The new Color palette works somewhat like its equivalent in
- FreeHand, allowing you to specify whether to apply the color to
- line, fill, or both. However, PageMaker lacks the handy menu on
- FreeHand's palette that allows you to create new colors and modify
- old ones, although the command-click color editing shortcut still
- works. Also, PageMaker now supports a multitude of color libraries
- including Pantone, ToyoPC, Focoltone, DIC, and Trumatch.
- Additions
- Aldus is also trying to best Quark XPress in Additions, modules
- that add functionality to the program. PageMaker's Library
- function itself is an Addition. Many other Additions ship with
- PageMaker, including ones that make initial dropped capitals,
- traverse text blocks, balance columns, get information, and do
- something unique called "Expert Kerning," which theoretically goes
- through selected text and kerns character pairs better than the
- font's built-in kerning tables.
- The Additions don't always work well. Expert Kerning takes about
- as long as flying in an expert to kern your text. A small
- paragraph took in excess of five minutes. Reserve this feature for
- an unattended overnight run when working on an entire document.
- The results of this process are mixed and its methods are a
- mystery. The automated drop cap feature is also a disappointment.
- PageMaker creates a drop cap by tabbing in the number of lines
- equivalent to the drop cap's height and placing it on the line
- where the letter's baseline rests. This method can cause some
- sticky situations later with editing or reformatting. Quark does a
- better automatic drop cap, where the drop cap is considered a
- character on the first line and doesn't cause future editing
- problems.
- Notably Good
- On a more positive and useful note is PageMaker's support for font
- matching schemes. PageMaker uses the Panose matching scheme which
- interactively asks for replacement typefaces if those used by the
- document don't exist. It keeps a record of these substitutions for
- future use. Panose also can attempt to duplicate the font metrics
- of the missing typeface using a default font. This feature makes
- the best of bad situations, and is worthwhile because it
- eliminates the possibility of ever seeing courier taking the place
- of another face. PageMaker also supports Adobe's SuperATM.
- I should also mention that PageMaker has an excellent new help and
- training system.
- Of all the new bells and whistles, the most important feature for
- professionals is built-in color separation for full color
- printing. In version 4.2 you used a separate application for
- creating color separations, a tedious and complex procedure. Quark
- XPress 3.0 and up included excellent separation functionality in
- the program itself, winning many converts for this reason alone.
- PageMaker now includes a flexible and comprehensible separation
- function accessible from its print dialogs.
- In addition to the new features, PageMaker still supports the
- excellent features from past versions that Quark XPress lacks,
- such as a time-saving indexing feature and table of contents
- generator. These features alone can save hours of work on long or
- technical documents. The best feature of PageMaker continues to be
- the Story Editor, which provides word processor-like editing
- facilities within PageMaker. The Story Editor seriously eases the
- process of editing or writing text in a layout. Also handy is
- PageMaker's ability to open an embedded graphic in its original
- program for easy editing. And, although XPress has a spelling
- checker, PageMaker's is more intuitive, allows for dictionary
- modification, and just plain works better.
- Room for Improvement
- Still, even after this major overhaul, PageMaker is not all wine
- and roses. Several problems still stand out. The program has an
- overall slow feel to it, even on a Quadra. It doesn't help matters
- that the new Control palette's three-dimensional buttons seem to
- respond slower than XPress's traditional ones. Aldus Additions
- continue to run as slow as molasses and are shamed by XPress's
- seamless Xtension technology. PageMaker's RAM requirements are
- quite large at 4 MB and it sucks up nearly 10 MB of disk space.
- I'd like to see PageMaker support character styles like most
- modern word processors. Another pet peeve of mine is PageMaker's
- lack of arrowheads for lines. But it does, finally, let you
- specify any line width. And, lastly, PageMaker _still_ lacks tools
- for aligning text and graphics.
- As a user of PageMaker from version 2.0 I've always appreciated
- its excellent interface and ease of use. As the competition
- excelled in providing the features users needed I, like many
- others, moved to another program for the bulk of my work. Now with
- PageMaker 5.0 users like me can come home again.
- Pricing
- The retail package costs $895, but you can upgrade for $75 if you
- upgraded to version 4.2 from a previous purchase, and all other
- owners of earlier PageMaker versions can upgrade for $150. The
- only exception is if you bought a retail copy of version 4.2 after
- 01-Jan-93, you get a free update. Aldus is also offering a $25
- upgrade rebate for all upgrades purchased before 31-Aug-93.
- Aldus -- 206/628-2320
- [It seems that the 800 number listed on at least one of the
- upgrade notices sent to registered users is the number for a small
- electronics firm. As of last Tuesday, they were still confused as
- to why they were receiving a lot of wrong numbers, so I hope Aldus
- has addressed the problem for them. -Adam]
- Information from:
- Aldus propaganda
- Using the Newton MessagePad
- ---------------------------
- by Tom Thompson, BYTE Senior Tech Editor -- tomt@bytepb.byte.com
- [This is the first of a several part series that we plan to run
- about the Newton. We'll have a look at the hardware, the operating
- system, some devil's advocacy, and third-party add-on information.
- This week we bring you a detailed look at using the Newton, with
- more real-life details than we've read elsewhere. -Tonya]
- A flick on a spring-loaded slider awakens the MessagePad and it
- comes up in the application you were last using or showing a big
- Newton logo and a window for writing the password.
- Once you are in, you move around the different parts of the system
- by tapping the icons below the screen: Names, Dates, Extras, Undo,
- Find, and Assist. The default application is a notepad, but by
- tapping the Names and Dates icons, a Rolodex-type application and
- a scheduling/to-do list application load, respectively. The Extras
- icon opens a window with icons for utility programs, such as the
- Prefs program which lets you adjust the MessagePad's settings.
- Extras also has In and Out Boxes for incoming serial or beamed
- data and outgoing print jobs, faxes, or beams. The icons for
- programs on PCMCIA ROM cards appear here as well. Between Extras
- and Undo sit the vertical scroll arrows that steer you up and down
- through multiple screens of text or graphics. Undo has two levels.
- Find searches for information in either the current application or
- the entire system. Assist summons Intelligent Assistance to
- perform a job for you. I checked out the Intelligent Assistance by
- writing "See Rob Monday at 10" in the NotePad. I then tapped the
- Assist button, causing the Assistance to open the scheduler, find
- the upcoming Monday's date, and put the note "See Rob" into the
- appropriate 10 AM slot.
- Certain applications will present various icons at specific times.
- For instance, a small folder icon lets you organize lists of
- information in up to 12 named folders, a keyboard icon summons the
- mini-keyboard, and a letter icon provides access to the mail,
- printer, fax, and beam functions. The letter icon also lets you
- duplicate or delete objects.
- Small diamonds indicate pop-up menus that appear with a tap. This
- pop-up menu remains present until you select a menu item or tap
- elsewhere on the screen. Small boxes with an X in them function
- identically to Mac window close boxes. In all, the interface is
- uncluttered and easy to understand.
- Text Entry
- You enter information by writing or sketching on the screen. If
- the text recognizer misinterprets portions of a word, you can
- correct the error by jotting a new character over the incorrect
- one. You wipe out entries with a scrubbing gesture over the
- offending text or graphic. The MessagePad then erases it with a
- smoke puff animation. Other gestures add spaces between characters
- or convert them to upper or lower case. Tapping on a word twice
- summons a pop-up menu with alternate interpretations of the word,
- the "ink" image of the word, and a keyboard icon. If one of the
- alternate words is the correct word, you pick it on this menu. To
- save the writing as ink, you select the image. Choosing the
- keyboard icon summons a miniature keyboard where you can tap on
- the keys to make corrections in a pinch.
- The text recognizer works well and interpreted most of my printed
- text. I wrote "handwriting recognition fairly hit-and-miss", and
- the text recognizer got the first three words correctly, and came
- up with gibberish for the last three words. The dashes caused the
- gibberish. According a draft copy of the MessagePad Handbook,
- punctuation must be placed close to the word to be recognized
- properly. Because the recognizer uses dictionaries and name lists
- (your own additions to the dictionary) for the recognition
- process, results of interpreting my handwriting were either
- frighteningly accurate or a hodgepodge of obscure words and
- numbers. Nevertheless, the recognizer is adept at handling certain
- writing idiosyncrasies. When I take notes, I go back and dot the
- i's after first writing the word. This quirk didn't bother the
- recognizer at all.
- A Handwriting Practice section in the Prefs area provides practice
- words to write so that the Newton OS can analyze and adapt to your
- writing style. It takes about 150 words to train the text
- recognizer. When you use a MessagePad for the first time, it pays
- to spend a half-hour or more in this section. In the Handwriting
- Styles section, a slider lets you specify how much of your writing
- is cursive, printed, or a mixture of the two. A Recognition
- Preferences section lets you fine-tune both the text and graphics
- recognizers for certain situations (in text, whether to recognize
- numbers and punctuation; in graphics, whether to connect shapes in
- a drawing, among other options). Overall, I was impressed with the
- MessagePad's text recognition, but I print blocky letters (an old
- habit from my FORTRAN days). Still, be prepared to use Undo and
- practice the gestures to make corrections.
- Selecting, Dragging, and Parking
- To select an object, you hold the stylus on the graphic or text
- until a large ink blotch appears. You then swab this ink, which
- acts like a highlighting marker, over what you want to select.
- Tapping twice on a selected object and holding the pen down makes
- a copy of the object that you can then drag elsewhere.
- After you select an object, you can "park" it by dragging it to
- the screen's edge, flip to another Newton application, and drag
- the object into that application. It's a nice visual metaphor for
- a Clipboard that should be easy for the non-computer user to
- grasp. Also, programs can control what type of information gets
- placed in an object. For example, when you enter a phone number in
- the Personal area, the window you write in only accepts digits.
- This goes a long way to reducing user errors.
- Linking to the Desktop
- What if you have hundred names and numbers on your desktop
- computer, and you'd like them in a MessagePad? Or, you've recorded
- dozens of new contacts on the MessagePad, and want the information
- on your Mac or Windows PC? Apple provides a Newton Connection Kit
- for just this purpose. You connect to the desktop computer with
- the supplied serial cable, or in the case of a networked Mac, by
- plugging the MessagePad into a connector on a LocalTalk network. A
- Newton Connection application running on the host computer
- establishes communications with the MessagePad, and
- synchronization of the data between the computer and MessagePad
- happens automatically when the machines connect. You can use this
- method to backup MessagePad data or install new programs.
- Printing and Faxing
- To test printing, I plugged the MessagePad into a LocalTalk node
- on BYTE's AppleTalk network. From the Outbox, a printer selection
- window showed me the various network zones and PostScript
- printers. A tap on a printer name, then one on the close box, and
- another tap on a Print button, and a minute later a duplicate of
- the note appeared on a page coming out of a LaserWriter Pro 630.
- Faxing didn't work so well for me. Lacking a MessagePad fax modem,
- I plugged a Global Village TelePort/Gold fax modem into the serial
- port. According to the status window, the MessagePad attempted to
- connect to the modem, but never succeeded. So much for using
- third-party modems at the moment, but remember, this was beta
- hardware and software.
- Thoughts
- Based on just the built-in Name and Date applications, the
- MessagePad doesn't seem much of a win. After all, you can use the
- low-tech yet practical schedule book and rolodex to arrange
- meetings and track contact information. However, a MessagePad
- equipped with a functional fax/modem and Messaging Card for email
- changes the situation and might make a MessagePad perfect for
- people who travel constantly and yet must make decision to turn a
- business on a dime.
- Third-party Newton applications may make a case for owning a
- MessagePad. For example, GeoSystems' Fodor's 1994 Travel Manager
- lets you call up the maps of ten largest cities in the U.S. and
- locate hotels with their phone numbers. Selecting a hotel in, say,
- Boston, gets you a bitmapped map of the city with a circle
- outlining the hotel's location. Tapping on the circle zooms you
- into a map of the city block, complete with street names. You can
- summon up a To/From window, where you can drop in the hotel's
- name, and the name of a restaurant you located in another part of
- the application. You then get street by street directions from the
- hotel to the restaurant. The ability to navigate through a new
- city using the MessagePad shows its value as a general-purpose
- device, given the proper software. [If this proves popular and
- MessagePads sell in other parts of the world, I see no reason why
- GeoSystems wouldn't put out software for cities worldwide. -Tonya]
- For vertical markets, the MessagePad's light weight, combined with
- the ability of the Newton OS to restrict the types of data entry
- makes it suitable for forms handling. As an example, an insurance
- company's accident form might allow text entries in some sections,
- numbers only in other sections, with an area where a field agent
- can sketch an accident scene using only ink. [More on third-party
- applications coming in a future TidBITS issue. -Tonya]
- The MessagePad, as the first implementation of Newton technology,
- is an impressive technical achievement. Based on my experience
- with the beta unit, the Newton OS is fast and stable, and the
- Intelligent Assistance does a good job performing useful tasks
- based on the information in the system and the context of your
- actions. Currently, there are few applications that can take
- advantage of the Newton technology. However, that will change. The
- MessagePad is an excellent platform from which developers can
- create the applications that can do new and innovative things on
- the handheld, mobile computer that the MessagePad represents.
- Reviews/16-Aug-93
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 09-Aug-93, Vol. 7, #32
- Now Compress 1.0 -- pg. 55
- PacerTerm 2.0 -- pg. 55
- MobileWriterPS -- pg. 60
- ARA Commander 1.0 -- pg. 62
- LinksWare 3.0 -- pg. 64
- $$
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------